DV Play 7.71 is ready and is with improved integration with DV Play Ingest.

DV Play 7.71 is ready. Improved integration with DV Play Ingest.

DV Play is a full solution for TV Channel’s needs, this includes the ingest part. The Ingest part solves questions like how to save the TV signal coming in a different format (SDI/NDI/IP) to video files that will be broadcasted later. DV Play has solutions for that since 2019.We have focused all our efforts  the last 3 months primary on the significant features & integration improvement, and on the  training movie creation.

The shortlist (but not the full one) with the new features & fixes is:

  1. DV Play 7.71 has an improved integration with the Ingest solution.
  2. DV Synch Ingest has an improved export to the DV Play playout. It is added a copying to the NAS server with specified speed (to avoid the overrun of the NAS server & network with multiple ingest & playouts working simultaneously).
  3. DV Synch Ingest has an improved export to several DV Play databases.
  4. The TV Logger (stand-alone) has improved functions to serve as an IP Convertor.
  5. The TV Logger (stand-alone) has improved functions for auto IP reconnection.
  6. The TV Logger (stand-alone) has improved functions to serve as SDI – IP Convertor.
  7. Movie 08: Ingest & Compliance Logger & IP Convert Movie is ready and you can watch it on Youtube https://youtu.be/YhrUQk1pz_4


DV Play is really a leader in the efficiency and it is the solution N1 for the people that value their time. Our playout & ingest are designed for maximum efficiency and provide true 24/7 reliability.