DV Play+ASP fully auto Self Promotions output!

DV Play + ASP leverage its synergy, better than any AI tool!

Our core products Ads Schedule Pro 2 and DV Play 7 constantly evolve and add additional value to our customers. Our last big step in that direction is adding the option for customers using our both products to AUTO generate and run on-air Self Promotions, using the EPG data and showing which and when the next video movies will be.

The system works based on a graphical template set and ASP extracts the EPG data for the next scheduled movies, then sends this information to DV Play which shows it on-air at promo breaks, adding the right date & time the film will be broadcasted. Once all is set, the system works 100% automatically. This is a great time & cost-saving feature as dedicated TV Staff typically do such self-promotions manually with one or more person(s) working this at full-time jobs. Many TV channels do this job at half, making self-promos, but without putting on the specific date & time when the broadcast of promoted movies will be made.

This automatic Self-Promotion solution is offered at no extra charge, a strong plus for customers who decide to use ASP + DPlay for their TV business. The final result, in terms of 100% accuracy and cost reduction, is much better than any AI tool.

At the moment this news was published, the Self Promotion Generation system has been in real use for 2 months already with 4 TV channels of one of our customers. For those 2 months, the ASP+DV Play has been broadcasted 3 256 such promos. The customer is very happy and the plan is next few months to turn the system ON for his other 10 TV channels.


This new feature comes with the new DV Play 8.83.1, the brief list of changes is as follows:

  1. ASP + DV Play new option to generate Self Promotions EPG.
  2. Option to add/remove additional outputs without restarting working input/outputs.
  3. Optimize the used Database without breaking outputs (extended)


DV Playout + Ads Schedule Pro solutions become truly a leader in efficiency and are a solution N1 for people who value their time. It is designed for companies that run many TV Channels and want to reduce technical work to the maximum, focusing on creating business value. Ads Schedule Pro + DV Play Playout is the ideal solution for running many (10+) TV Channels with unmatched efficiency, meaning error-free and with a very small Team.