DV Play 3 User cases

DV Play 20 years anniversary: 3 user cases explaining the benefits for our customers ...

DV Play CEO says:

DV Play 1 was created in 2001, DV Play 7 (the current version) is from 2016. It is surprising to me that we have been on the market for so many years, but with almost every order of a new customer we still find many things/features we need to add to DV Play. Fortunately, we still found a lot of fun and passion in developing DV Play and this job doesn`t tire us. I accept this job more like a favorite hobby and this gives me the strength to work 10-12 hours per day, for 20 years already. But let’s back to the supplements of DV Play we did for new customers. In most cases, those supplements are necessary due to our desire to automate at 100% all of the processes, often without them the customer still can work successfully, but with more manual work required by the operator. More manual work means more time spent and more chances for errors.  This is not our style, our goal is to make the customers 100% happy and to bring them even more than they expect. And we manage to do that 85% of our customers are extremely happy and believe that DV Play is the BEST solution for them. That is the feedback we receive more often.

 DV Play is truly the leader when talking about efficiency. Efficiency for us means to do your job faster and error-free.

Please take a look at the described user cases below to find out what stands behind our statement.



September 2021

A small start-up Bulgarian TV came across our site and contacted us. After having received our quotation, 3 months of silence followed. This TV Channel, like many other TVs with no experience in the TV industry, had decided that our price was too high and bought a cheaper playouts solution claiming to be for professional use for TV Channels. 3 months later, however, and after many unsuccessful attempts to work with the purchased playout, they contacted us again. We offered them to work 1 month with our solution for free and to buy it when they are sure that DV Play is fully working EXACTLY FOR THEIR TV.

We installed DV Play on the server they had prepared for the purpose. Their server was new, purchased by them especially for the playout accordingly to the specification we sent them, and it was suitable. It turned out that their way of working was unusual in that they have a program only a few hours a day, and the rest of the time they broadcast a live camera image from the city center with an IP camera. The IP Camera works over the Internet and wireless and the tests showed that the IP signal is interrupted several times a day. DV Play is intended for such use, the IP Item supports an automatic re-connect since 2017, which works reliably, unlike other playouts that claim to work, but in real conditions actually DO NOT WORK.

We have many clients who work with the IP Item, but in manual switching mode, i.e., there is an operator who manually stops it after the end of the live event. The special about this client is that he uses the auto-switching mode that ends on its own after the set time expires. The client specifies that the IP Item must be played for 18 hours and expects that his program will start at 6 p.m. The time spent in disconnecting was not counted by DV Play in auto-switching mode, and sometimes the TV program started at 6:01 p.m. instead of 6 p.m. or even at 6:03 p.m (when there are 3 minutes of total disconnect time for 18 hours) We had to add a supplement in DV Play, it took us 1 week, but in the end, the client worked EXACTLY as he needed.

However, the problems did not end there! The client worked for 1 month without a problem, made sure that everything was working well and paid us. And then a new problem began. After 2 weeks of testing and daily monitoring, it turned out that his video card was the one that cause the problems. The GTX 1050 Ti video card was removed from the server on our recommendation and the problem was resolved.


The manager of Deymos TV says:

“We are very pleased with our choice of DV Play. It has the features we need and is easy to work with. We use the IP item for many hours every day and it works reliably, we also use the FillTimeGaps command every day, which automatically fixes the starting times we need. The DV Play support is phenomenal, they always do more than we ask them.



March 2021

А client buys 2 movie channels running on 1 server (multichannel). However, it turns out that 80% of the purchased production has a graphic (logo) that is burned on the movie and must be removed by set the Crop parameters (cutting part of the screen). DV Play has had this function since 2017, but when it should be used for 80% of all files it becomes VERY IMPORTANT to display clearly which one of the files has the Cropped params applied and which has not. Otherwise many errors are possible. To solve this, we add the Cropped params displayed into an extra column (that can be turned off when is not needed) and the customer finds this very useful. Also, we added  Crop templates he can fast apply to a file.

The supplement was made urgently in just 4 days, as the channel had started broadcasting and the built-in logo in the purchased production was an unexpected problem.

Some more supplements were done on our mini MAM system that this customer uses extensively. The final result is a very happy customer that plans its 3-th 4K channel again with DV Play.



November 2020

A Bulgarian channel operating since 2000 is planning to switch to HD and needs a new playout. The TV contacted us and we started a test. The client wanted to keep his old way of working, which had permanent playlists for 7 days a week and in which he replaced only the HDD files, without do any changes in playlists. This method allows EXTREMELY FAST work and this is most important for this customer. He doesn’t care for the drawbacks that come with this method, like the fact that the AsRun log does NOT contain the true name of the movie (as the movie is renamed to a name like for example  Movie_at_8_Monday.mp4).  DV Play supports virtual files from 2018, but again a supplement was needed in order to achieve the 100% automation. The end result is an extremely happy customer who works ONLY by replacing video files on HDD and uses 0 minutes a day for the playlists. The way it works is significantly improved and faster, with the previous solution each time the client opened the playlist with a text editor and manually deleted the set times of the files. The supplement we made in the File Manager module solves exactly this problem – it recognizes a changed file and performs an automatic recalculation of the times.


In conclusion, the DV Play CEO says:

Most of our competitors invest 60-85% of their resources in marketing and advertising. We invest 95% of our resources in developing and improving the playout solutions we offer. The complete satisfaction of our customers is GUARANTEED, we love our work and our goal is happy customers.

If you want to check out what DV Play can do for you, please send us your request here:


We understand that filling out a request with many fields takes up to 5 minutes, but there are a lot of details that we need to be clarified.